Year Groups

Year 7 All Things Tech

SLT Link - Mr R Conway

Head of Year 7 and Transition: Mrs K O'Brien

Student Manager: Mrs D Lee

Year 7 Tutors:

7XT - Mrs L Brooks
7YT - Mr L Macente
7XO - Mrs L Finnie
7YO - Ms K Richards
7YS - Ms C Marsh

Welcome to the Year 7 information page. The aim of the Year 7 Team is to provide a successful transition from primary to secondary school and to ensure a safe, enjoyable, academic environment. We strive to get to know each student: their talents, hopes, successes and concerns. In partnership with parents and carers, we work to foster a sense of responsibility and respect in our students to empower them with the skills and confidence they need to succeed in Year 7.

Year 7 is currently made up of 6 tutor groups each containing 30 students. The tutor is the first person the student speaks to if they have a problem or need help or advice. Four mornings a week the students spend 15 minutes with their tutor, this time is used focussing on different priorities such as Character Education sessions or a weekly challenge. The aim of tutor time is to set the student up for a day of learning, as well as embedding skills that they can use in the long term. On Tuesday mornings there is a whole year assembly. During Year 7 students will experience new lessons, new sports and various trips and opportunities outside the classroom.

To help with these aims we ask Year 7 students to:

  • Be smartly dressed in full school uniform
  • Bring correct books/equipment/kit that they need for school
  • Follow the instructions of all adults in the school
  • Behave to a high standard in and out of school
  • Complete homework tasks to a high standard, and by the due date
  • Take part in the clubs activities out of lesson time

SLT Link: Mr J Thompson

Head of Year: Mr M Migliaccio

Student Manager: Mrs A Cofield

Year 8 Tutor Groups and Tutors

  • 8XT – Mr Murcutt
  • 8YT – Mrs Mannion
  • 8XO - Ms Arnold
  • 8YO - Ms Gibson/Ms Pritchard
  • 8XS - Mr Walker
  • 8YS – Ms Williams

Welcome to the Year 8 information page, within Year 8 we strive to develop a strong sense of community and belonging, inspiring students to contribute to something greater than themselves and ‘be a part of something bigger’.

High expectations and the pursuit of achievement for all is at the heart of our work. Our well-qualified leaders, teachers and support staff work together with students and parents to create a formidable team with one common goal – the best possible success for every child. Students will be expected to demonstrate that they are ready to learn, respectful to others and remain safe throughout their time at JMS.

Year 8 will also see the year group visit the Welsh Farm, tutor groups will visit the farm for 4 days in the summer term, a unique experience and one that all JMS alumni cherish. A visit to a gold mine, night hikes, bivouac building, camp fire building, bog jumping, orienteering, river walks and a series of team building challenges are all on the itinerary. The Welsh Farm experience teaches students so much and one that all students should aim to undertake.

Year 8 Parent information Evening Slides

You can read an online version of the Year 9 Options Booklet here: GCSE Options Booklet 2024

SLT Link: Dr A Stanger

Head of Year: Mrs A Kent

Student Manager: Mrs C Ludlam

Year 9 Tutor Groups and Tutors

9XT – Ms Kitto
9YT – Mr Forsyth
9XO – Mr McEvoy
9YO – Dr Marsh/Mrs Sissons
9XS – Mr Yeboah
9YS – Ms Foster

Welcome to the Year 9 information page, within Year 9 we strive to develop a strong sense of community and belonging, inspiring students to contribute to something greater than themselves and ‘be a part of something bigger’.

High expectations and the pursuit of achievement for all is at the heart of our work. Our well-qualified leaders, teachers and support staff work together with students and parents to create a formidable team with one common goal – the best possible success for every child. Students will be expected to demonstrate that they are ready to learn, respectful to others and remain safe throughout their time at JMS.

Year 9 students start to experience their first taste of GCSE courses, throughout the year it is vital to embed good habits. Ensuring that learning is ambitious, homework is thorough, attitude is exemplary, conduct is faultless and attendance is resolute, through these good habits students will develop a firm base from which to excel in Years 10 and 11.

Learning journeys should be supplemented in Year 9 through participation in extra-curricular activities to aid and support learning and understanding, toward future pathways. Students are encouraged to develop their skills in areas outside of the curriculum. These activities whilst intrinsically rewarding will also support college and sixth form applications, applications for apprenticeships and universities.  

Director of KS4: Mr B Gilkes

SLT Link: Ms C Batcheldor

Head of Year: Mr Conroy

Student Manager: Mrs T Miles

Year 10 Tutors:

  • 10XT - Mr Payne
    10YT - Mr Gul/Ms Chen
    10XO - Ms Thornton
    10YO - Ms Butler/Mr Duckham
    10XS - Mr Sims
    10YS - Ms Arora

Welcome to the Year 10 information page. The focus in Year 10 is to provide an environment conducive to successful academic and personal progress, whilst also preparing our students for life after John Mason. All students are encouraged to enroll on the DofE Bronze Award, which is a fantastic opportunity to build and develop essential transferable skills. The school organises this in house and we employ a DofE leader to ensure the programme runs smoothly. Work experience also forms an important part of Year 10. Students will need to practice interpersonal skills as they seek out their own work experience, and will learn about the world of work when they attend their placement. Both of these interventions are supported by the comprehensive tutor and Character Education programme.

To assist with ensuring success, we ask Year 10 students to:

  • Be smartly dressed in full school uniform
  • Be punctual and maintain attendance above 96%
  • Bring correct books/equipment/kit in order to be ready to learn
  • Demonstrate appropriate conduct both in and outside of school
  • Complete home learning tasks to a high standard, meeting deadlines

In partnership with parents and carers, we work to foster a sense of responsibility and respect in our students to empower them with the independence and confidence they need to succeed at John Mason School and in the wider world.


Year 11 Parent Information Evening Slides September 2024

Director of KS4: Mr B Gilkes

SLT Link: Ms L Dasgupta

Head of Year: Mr B Gilkes

Student Manager- Mrs T Miles

Year 11 Tutors:

11XT - Mr Spacksman
11YT - Ms Adams
11XO - Ms Fitzherbert/Ms Atkey
11YO - Mr Harrison
11XS - Mrs Green
11YS - Mr Borja

Welcome to the Year 11 information page. It goes without saying that this is an incredibly important year for Year 11s. We understand that our students need maximum support both academically and pastorally at this time, and strive to ensure students have access to all they need to succeed.

Year 11 students will also be busy applying to 6th Form, apprenticeships or College. There is a broad selection of extra revision sessions held during lunch time, after school and during the Spring and Easter holidays. The Year 11s have had a number of presentations and sessions on how to revise, how to work out a revision timetable and how to combat stress. Please see the documents on this page for revision sessions.

The major non-academic item in the calendar for Year 11s is the Leavers Ball. The ball is after the GCSE exams have taken place. As well as the Year 11 students, the Director of Key Stage and Form Tutors, there are also many other members of staff who are invited by the students. Preparations for the Summer Ball are always great fun and students are encouraged to take part if they wish. Much of the Year 11 tutor programme serves to provide Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) to help students make informed choices for the next stage of their education. DEAR – Drop Everything and Revise – offers students the opportunity to conduct focused, personalised revision for 20 minutes each day.

To assist with ensuring success, we ask Year 11 students to:

  • Be smartly dressed in full school uniform
  • Be punctual and maintain attendance above 96%
  • Bring correct books/equipment/kit in order to be ready to learn
  • Demonstrate appropriate conduct both in and outside of school
  • Complete home learning tasks to a high standard, meeting deadlines

In partnership with parents and carers, we work to foster a sense of responsibility and respect in our students to empower them with the independence and confidence they need to succeed at John Mason School and in the wider world.